Please answer the following questions to begin your registration
Exhibitor/partner companies will not appear in the drop-down box until they have signed a contract to exhibit/partner at AWS. Any questions related to your contract status, please contact Ron Bates at or 703-706-8230.
Select your company and enter your PIN number below to begin your registration.
Verify your AFA membership by entering your first name, last name, and zip code exactly how they are listed with your AFA membership below to begin your registration.
Enter your email address below to begin your registration.
Company/Organization: |
Company Password: |
Need Company Password assistance OR looking for a copy of your company’s registration roster? First select your company, then click here to email your booth POC.
First Name: |
Last Name: |
Zip Code: |
If you are an e-member and entering your home zip code is not successful, please enter 00000 as your zip code.
Please enter your email address below to begin your registration. |
E-Mail Address: |
Liability Waiver
Air & Space Forces Association is committed to providing a safe environment for all event participants, including attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, volunteers, staff, and representatives of the hotel, service providers, and other contractors. By attending AFA Warfare Symposium and associated meetings/events, attendees agree to abide by our Liability Waiver.
If you have any questions about your event registration, please contact customer service at
For more detailed information about the AFA Warfare Symposium (event location, agenda, speakers and sessions), please visit the AFA Warfare Symposium home page. While you are there, please visit our ‘ Frequently Asked Questions’ section located inside the ‘Learn More' text box for further detailed information.
Registration changes or cancellations can be made online through February 28, 2025. Cancellations through February 28, 2025 will receive a full refund less a $25 processing fee, plus any membership fees and/or donations. No refunds will be issued for changes and cancellations starting March 1, 2025. No refunds will be issued if you are unable to attend the event due to personal illness or travel delays (to include flight interruptions/cancellations). If not able to attend in-person once the cancellation deadline has past, please request that your registration be updated to virtual only before cancelling your registration. A refund for the difference in rates from in-person to virtual will be approved, if requested. Starting March 1st, please send cancellations and/or changes by email to This policy does not apply to exhibit booth sales. Please refer to the application / contract form for the exhibit booth cancellation policy.
Symposium registration includes March 3 Polaris Reception; all in-person symposium sessions; in-person exhibit hall access during open hours; coffee breaks; and virtual access to symposium sessions through March 29, 2025.
For details about attire, please click here.
Regarding virtual access: Main sessions will be streamed during the day; All sessions will then be archived as an on-demand recording within one business day. All sessions will be available to view through the virtual platform through March 29, 2025.
Category |
AFA Member/Exhibitor |
$1260 |
AFA Life Member (including Exhibitor Life Members) |
$840 |
Non-Member |
$1460 |
AFA Leader |
$420 |
Active Duty/DoD |
$0 |
Federal Government |
$165 |
Attaché/Foreign Military |
$490 |
Media |
$0 |
Virtual symposium registration includes access to all sessions. Main sessions will be streamed during the day; All sessions will then be archived as an on-demand recording within one business day. All sessions will be available to view through the virtual platform through March 29, 2025.
Category |
AFA Member or Exhibitor |
$1075 |
AFA Life Member (including Exhibitor Life Members) |
$760 |
Non-Member |
$1245 |
AFA Leader |
$0 |
Active Duty/DoD |
$0 |
Federal Government |
$145 |
Attaché/Foreign Military |
$420 |
Media |
$0 |
There is NO CHARGE to attend only the exposition. Please select if you are visiting the exhibit floor only. For details about attire, please click here. If you are an employee of an exhibiting company, please register through the "Exhibitor" registration category to obtain an exhibitor badge.
Category |
Exhibit Hall* |
$0 |
Exhibit hall is open to the public Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, (Exhibit Hall Hours subject to change)
Monday, March 3rd - 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ~ 6 pm - 7:30 pm (Polaris Reception - Ticketed Event)
Tuesday, March 4th - 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday, March 5th - 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
AWS Registration Criteria
Please refer to the criteria below if you are unsure of which registration category you fall under.
For employees of exhibiting company. Your company needs to have signed an AWS exhibit agreement to be displayed in drop-down.
AFA accepts media who work for a news organization or agency, i.e., print, online, or broadcast. Freelancers must be able to present valid media credentials. For example: Capitol Hill and Pentagon credentials are acceptable. If you are a member of corporate media or a think tank, please answer no and alternatively make the appropriate selection from the following questions below.
Active Duty/Guard/Reserve/DoD Civilian
Active Duty/Guard/Reserve/DoD Civilian - Uniformed Military Personnel, defined as Active, Guard, and Reserve members of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard, as well as DoD Civilian employees. This does not include employees of contractors working for the federal government.
Academy Cadet/Midshipman and ROTC
USAFA, West Point, USNA, USCGA, and cadets enrolled in a bona fide Reserve Officer Training Corps program at an accredited college or university.
Military Spouse
The military spouse category is for spouses of active-duty/guard/reserve/civilian members. Please select only if you are attending without your active duty/guard/reserve/civilian member spouse. If your spouse is also attending, please register as his/her guest. Military ID is required. If your spouse is retired from the military, please do not select this category.
DoD Contractor
Employees of contractors working for the federal government do not qualify for complimentary registration. Applicable registration rates apply.
Federal Government (other than DoD)
Civilian employees of any U.S. federal government department or agency other than the Department of Defense. This does not include employees of contractors working for the federal government.
Attaché/Foreign Military
Foreign Attaché or active duty member of Foreign Military Forces that is accredited by the U.S. Air Force. Does not apply to retired members of Foreign Military Forces.
AFA Member
Active Air & Space Forces Association membership.
AFA Life Member
Active Air & Space Forces Association Life Membership.
AFA Leader
AFA National Officers, Directors, Region, State and Chapter Presidents, National Committee Members.
You are not a member of the Air & Space Forces Association.
Exhibitor Information Hub
On this page you can view the current AFA Warfare Symposium Exhibit Hall Floor Plan, access the Exhibitor Services Kit, see examples of how to register your Exhibitor Booth Staff, access AFA Information Contacts & more …
AFA Warfare Symposium Exhibitor Booth Staff Registration Information & Exhibitor FAQ
For information on registering booth staff, please click here. If you have a specific question not covered in the FAQ information document, or need further assistance, please contact
For information on exhibiting, contact:
Ron Bates
Booth Space Rates - Sold in 10' x 10' (100 sq ft) increments only:
- AFA Corporate Members - $41/square foot
- Government and Military Organizations - $33/square foot
Freeman Exhibitor Services
For full logistics details on exhibiting at AFA Warfare Symposium to include Freeman store, shipping, information on ordering carpet, A/V, or other show products and services, and more!
For information on AFA’s Corporate Membership Program, contact:
Abigail Remy, Manager, Corporate Membership
For information on sponsorship opportunities, contact:
Christy Sitter, Director of Sales
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a few of our Frequently Asked Questions. For more detailed information about the AFA Warfare Symposium (agenda, speakers and sessions), please visit the AFA Warfare Symposium home page.
While you are there, please visit our ‘ Frequently Asked Questions’ section for further detailed information.
- Will the AFA Warfare Symposium schedule be the same as in previous years?
The full detailed symposium agenda can be found here. The Polaris Reception in the Exhibit Hall will again take place on Monday, March 3rd from 6 pm - 7:30 pm. On Wednesday, March 6, AFA will hold the Rock the Rockies Reception beginning at 5:00 pm.
Please Note: A favorable opinion by the SAF Ethics Office has allowed us to waive conference fees for a class consisting of all U.S. DoD civilian employees and uniformed military personnel. The term "uniformed military personnel" is defined as Active, Guard, and Reserve members of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Coast Guard, including Academy and ROTC cadets.
- Where do I pick up my badge/tickets?
Badges and tickets may be picked up from the AFA Registration Desk at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, March 3rd. Please be prepared to show valid identification: Driver's license, Military ID, U.S. Government ID, or Passport. AFA Registration will be located at the Valley Foyer located straight ahead as you enter the Convention Center.
- What are the registration hours? (subject to change)
- Sunday, March 2 ~ 2:00 pm -- 6:00 pm
- Monday, Monday 3 ~ 8:00 am -- 6:30 pm – (Polaris Reception, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, included with symposium registration. An individual ticket is required if you do not attend symposium.)
- Tuesday, Monday 4 ~ 7:00 am -- 5:30 pm
- Wednesday, Monday 5 ~ 7:00 am -- 4:30 pm – (Rock the Rockies Reception, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm, individual ticket required.)
- Will lunch be served in the exhibit hall?
Lunch will not be offered in the exhibit hall this year due to tremendous growth in attendance over the past few years. However, AFA Warfare Symposium attendees will receive 10% off
full-service restaurant purchases* with your show badge at Gaylord Rockies for all three days of the symposium. *Alcohol is not included.
- What is the Rock the Rockies Reception?
This is an informal event on Wednesday evening that will provide a networking opportunity among military, academia, retired military, and defense industry. The reception will take place in the Mountain Pass Restaurant at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. Rock the Rockies Reception event is casual. (Casual attire for men: nice slacks/jeans, polo shirts, button-down shirts, nice shoes. Casual attire for women: nice pants/jeans, skirts, polo shirts, nice blouse or top, casual dress, nice shoes.)
- How much does it cost to purchase an individual ticket or group package for the Rock the Rockies Reception?
The cost for an individual ticket to the Rock the Rockies Reception is $265. Group packages can also be purchased through registration for 17 people at $3,850. Ten of the tickets will be kept by the organization; the seven remaining tickets will be returned to AFA to support US military and DoD guests.
If you are interested in amplifying your visibility at the Rock the Rockies Reception through larger-scale high-visibility sponsorships, please contact Christy Sitter at for further information regarding options.
For US military and DoD guests, tickets will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the allotment of guest tickets has been depleted, DoD registrants will have the opportunity to purchase a ticket at a price of $215.
- Is there anything I need to know about connecting to the virtual platform?
Registrants will only be able to login on one device at a time. No software or applications need to be downloaded; however, it is highly recommended that you whitelist to alleviate any security connection issues. It is recommended that participants use current versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari to view AWS. Additionally, it is recommended to not connect via a VPN.
- Who has access to the Virtual Platform? What level of access does each badge type have?
Symposium Attendees and Media badges will have 'full' access to the Virtual Platform. Exhibitor badges and exposition only badges will have 'partial' access to the Virtual Platform. Partial access does NOT include in-person or virtual access to conference sessions.
Full access can view all pages on the Virtual Platform to include: Live Stream, Home Page, Welcome Page, Navigating AFA Warfare 2025, Attendee Guide, Agenda, On-Demand Page, Speaker List, Polaris Recipient List, Awards Recipient List, Partners, Exhibitors, About AFA Page, Networking Section, Chat, Social Feed, Follow Us!, Donors, Notes, and Help Desk.
Partial access can view the following pages on the Virtual Platform: Home Page, Welcome Page, Navigating AFA Warfare 2025, Attendee Guide, Polaris Recipient List, Partners, Exhibitors, About AFA Page, Networking Section, Chat, Social Feed, Follow Us! Donors, Notes, and Help Desk. NOT Able to View: Live Stream, Agenda, On-Demand Page, and Speaker List.
- Where do I find login information for the AFA Warfare Symposium’s virtual platform?
Starting the morning (EST) of 2/28, login instructions for virtual content will be sent to the registrant’s email provided during registration from our service provider. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY the primary email address on your registration record will receive the email with login instructions, a unique password, and the link to the AFA Warfare Symposium’s virtual content. Any alternate email address on record will receive all other email communication with the exception of the platform login instructions. Please make sure to add to your “Safe Sender” list (not spam) in your email account.
If you need help accessing the virtual platform starting 2/28, please email with specific details regarding the issue. For technical help once you are already logged in to the platform, please look for Help Desk on the left-hand menu options.
- When is online registration closed?
Online registration is open throughout the event. We will only be down for a short time while we set up on-site. If at any time our registration website message states we are down for maintenance, please check back as we will be back up again soon. As always you will also have the option of registering on-site.
What is the dress code for the AFA Warfare Symposium and Technology Exposition?
The attire for the Polaris Reception, Symposium, and Technology Exposition is business casual for civilians and OCPs/Flight Suits/Blues for the military. The attire for Wednesday evening's Rock the Rockies Reception event is casual. (Casual attire for men: nice slacks/jeans, polo shirts, button-down shirts, nice shoes. Casual attire for women: nice pants/jeans, skirts, polo shirts, nice blouse or top, casual dress, nice shoes.)